This year 2007 was the BEST years of my 18 years of life.. seriously. Eventhough most of my close friends now are people i only know for one year but we all are like a we are all superglued to each other...
Friends that made GREAT differences in my life... Adrian, Ardeena, Eileen, Suet Nee, Roshini, Maalini, KK, Jane, Michele, Hui Chuen (eventhough he needs frustration management lately ahahaha), Gaik Si, Avinaash, and of course my best friend for alwayz..Michelle Lim..
OK.. people say we could have only like what, one best friend??? Well my life is different.. I've got a few best friends.. Friends i could turn to when im upset, friends who are alwiz there for me through hard times, friends who i can count on, friends who are part of my family... yes they are all mentioned above (im so sorry if i left out anyone...doesnt mean i dont think bout u.. just i cant think anymore ahahahahahah)
28th December
today was soooo damn fun in Chilis laa...KK la dunno why din come..ahhaah.. we were all like eating and ardee was making a new friend with the waiter.. ahahah... Eileen n Suet Nee as usual making everyone on the table laugh..... Thankz Suet n Ardee for the Picture... the frame is so damn cute n the pictures are total good memories of the good times we had back in college eheheheh.. im gonna bring it with me everywhere... IM serious.. and the friendship frame thing Eileen gave me on my birthday.. that was a special and unique gift ill alwiz display on my desk wherever i go!!
Adrian totally knows i love unexplained mysteries.. n he got me this FANTASTIC book all about the mysteries around the world... that is seriously ONE OF THE BEST GIFT ive ever gotten... seriously LOVE IT... THANKZ ADRIAN.... and KK got me these 2 recipe books which is absolutely fabulous.. i alwiz bug her bout recipes and now she gave me like 2 fab recipe books which i totally love so much !! ahhaha.. now its so much easier to prepare a meal when im alone or in KL... ahahha THANKZ KK....
Today in Chilis...Roshini, Hui Chuen, Suet Nee, Ardeena, Eileen, Adrian & Gaik Si.. today was one of the happiest day in the whole of this month..there was so much laughters and memories.... thankz u all I LOVE U ALL TO BITS.... im so so so so gonna miss these precious time with all of you... this is something i can hardly find when i go to KL next time... nothing can replace these fantastic time with you all !! especially when eileen crack her hilarious jokes and suet nee n ardee starts spanking..hahaahahah... love it so much when we all laugh especially with adrian ... seeing him laugh will make me laugh more ahahahahahaha
Some people said when i go KL i will find new friends and i will eventually forget them and all... the answer is NO.. I WILL NEVER FORGET THESE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE... you people.. Adrian, Ardeena, Eileen, Suet Nee, Roshini, Maalini, Michelle Lim, KK, Jane, Michele, Hui Chuen,Gaik Si, Avinaash.. are the people i will NEVER.... N-E-V-E-R forget my LIFE.. i really dont know how else to express but.. you people are already superglued to my life, your names are already engraved in my heart AND..... its just like this.. we can NEVER forget our parents and siblings rite?? We can never forget what they have done for us and all, all the times they have been there for us through hard times and the ups and downs, that is what we call a family.. YES.. to me my very close friends are EXACTLY like my family!! ALL OF YOU might think, "ohh he is just saying it, he will forget bout us" but i WILL ENSURE YA'LL ILL NEVER DO THAT.... a lot of unforgettable special things had already happened in our lifes... and we will ALWAYZ be in each other's life no matter what or however far we are!! LOVE YOU ALL!!! THANKZ FOR ALLLLLLL THE GREAT TIMES WE HAD HAD THROUGHOUT ALL THESE TIMES........
~~~of course never forgetting Samantha & Amir, Cecilia, Su Ting, Mariel, Elysha, Juan, Philip, Andrew, Dennis, David and the most hilarious Darren ...people who made GREAT differences in my life~~~
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