Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Decide your own Destiny

Most people say that wherever we ended up in, its our 'destiny', or let destiny decide where it should take you. Most people believe it this way. But is it the healthy way? I dont think so..

I believe that we SHOULD decide our OWN DESTINY. We should decide where we want to go, what we want to do in life, and which goal to achieve in life. We have to follow our own dreams. Not just do whatever is there for us, and let it bring us to our destination.

NO, DONT LET ANYTHING BRING US TO OUR DESTINATION, WE DECIDE OUR OWN DESTINY. We go to our own destination with our dreams. What im sayin here is, alot of people are not doing or studying what they like now. They study that particular course, just because of their friends, because its the easiest to get a job in future, but, do u want to wake up every morning sayin "damn i gotta go work now" or "yes, i gotta go work now yay"...

So, study the course u love. Do the things u like. Have passion in the things you want and love. Dont listen to others' discouragements coz they are the loosers who will never understand us. DO WHAT U LOVE, PICK YOUR OWN DESTINY !!! Anything is possible as long as you have the passion for it, and believe in it.


Ady said...

You got to believe in magic,in a young girls heart.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Pat.. To decide what you want to be in the future for your own self and manage to be it is the best thing ever.