Thursday, October 16, 2008


Correct me if im wrong... in my own words and defination, when we have feelings for someone, it is not love yet. it is more than admiration and close to love. but love takes some time to develope.. when we are in a relationship, we develope love - care, and a feeling and attitude where u will spend the rest of your lifetime with that special person without doubt of sacrificing anything at all for that person... that is love..

we like a lot of people. we think they are cute, pretty, (handsome - for girls), like to stare at them for their attractiveness, and from that it could turn to 'crush' and then to love. like is not so much as strong as love. just like admiration, we admire someone for their good looks, talents, personality... and all these, like and admiration, leads the furthers to being friends only.. anything above that will lead to love.

now..LUST.. lust is a strong feeling and sexual attitude we have for certain people. lust have to come its natural way. when we see a person, a form of attraction will occur, which makes us want to just pull that person towards us and have a one-time with her (him - for girls).. that's lust.. lust for a person can last for a "few times" and then eventually it will fade away.. lust in us, fades away FASTER when we get what it want.. it will take some time to fly away if we dont get it, which is 90% usually what happens. and also, lust could turn to love too as it's also a form of admiration.

which is the strongest?? the decent, Love? the admiration, or the strong lust feelings ?? which one we can control more? it all depends on ourself.. but love hurts the most, while lust doesnt hurt at all!!


SuetNee said...

there are generally two parts to my comment: this is the SERIOUS PART.

I'm so sorry but I am obsessive compulsive and I can't help myself from correcting.

Defination is spelt as definition. Develope is spelt as develop

SuetNee said...
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SuetNee said...

and HAH! here comes the funny part.

i dont think it hops from "stare" to "crush" and then to "love". i've had crushes before wayyy back then and they usually turn into "hatred". okay im kidding. in order for "crush" to turn into "love", you need a friendship, a trust and a connection. i can tell you that 80% of the time when teens like us are relationships and often say "i love you bla bla bla", it's only "like". they're only saying "i love you" because lindsay lohan's character said it to chad michael murray in Freaky Friday. unless you're talking about wan titsy's epic romance, that is what i call "sayang".

yknw love is triggered, chemically inside our body. you know that you're in deep love when your heart beats faster and you get all the rush like sugar rush yada yada yada, i wouldnt know. what i do know is, it is triggered by serotonin, dopamine and another one which i cant remember. your body releases serotonin and dopamine, which causes your heart to beat faster, yourself to get the sugar rush, to get all anxious etc. but if you're unlucky, this will only last fr 3 to 5 years on one person. if you're lucky, it might just go on. omg i feel like a scientist.

and lust doesnt necessarily come naturally. experts say that watermelon is a standalone source of lust and is a natural viagra. so pat, if you wanna feel lusty, have one big watermelon.


P-A-T Rick said...

first of all, develop and develope is diffferent US and UK spelling... i used Uk i guess.. and yahhh u can be a LOVE PHILOSOPHER NOW...or a LOVE PSYCHIATRIS... ehh im serious!!

P-A-T Rick said...

oh ya and as i said, LOVE is a very very strong word. and different people have different definition of love. your definition is strong and powerful and true.. but many people dotn understand the meaning of love thats why.
and LUST... yeah scientifically food plays a major part.. (watermelon, oysters, etc..) but not to look into food, look into the power of attraction, food doesn't really comes in sometimes... just some 'trigger' in us.. and also, again, different people have different level of lust n love in them!

SuetNee said...

according to wikitionary, "develope" is the outdated spelling of "develop". so it's no longer legal or used. so, if you were to write "develope" in essays for Taylors, i can guarantee that your lecturer would circle it.

and i really don't understand what you just said in your second comment. EVERYTHING happens CHEMICALLY AND SCIENTIFICALLY. of course some happens spontaneously BUT there is proof that its triggered scientifically. just like how dumb republicans (eg: sarah palin & adrian yeo) believe that "GLOBAL WARMING IS JUST GOD HUGGING US CLOSER" when it's all manmade!

Ady said...

Oh nooO! You were talking bout the whole scientific thing that it reminded me of the Saturday Night Live parody of Palin and Hilary. I wanted to say something of the global warming line and the idea of it! How do you know how im going to do it....

And I know bout Global Warming! I did a Social Relevance Report and an English Assignment on it! And it was all WRONG!! It was God hugging us a little closer...I see your spreading your Obama Propaganda around...dont be fooled by the Donkeys words!!!

P-A-T Rick said...

okay... my post turned from Lust to science, to politics!!!

Ady said...



P-A-T Rick said...

so?? i dont mind being corrected.. its called LEARNING..